Holistic Wellth

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The Inner Smile

We must take responsibility for our emotions daily. Be aware of what your focus and energy are set on each waking day. Believe that we can find peace in a stressful world.

You can create the day you want to have.

How you start your day can set the tone for the remainder of the day.

Set the goal to start a simple meditation daily upon waking for the next 4 weeks to ease your mind, body and cultivate self-love <3

The Inner Smile

1. Find a quiet place sitting towards the edge of the chair with your feet flat on the floor. Take 9 deep full body breaths to relax the back and spine. Imagine yourself in the place that makes you feel most safe and at peace. This smile and joy moves through your whole body.  Visualize a loved one, pet or child to get you to that smile.

2. Relax your spine, relax your stomach, feel nice and loose. Rock side to side from the hips to loosen up. 

3. Smile into the heart. Clasp your hands in prayer position over your chest. Feel unconditional love, joy, softness, gentleness. Make your heart soft, calm and relaxed. This smile comforts your joints, muscles, and all internal organs. Hold here for 1-3 minutes until you feel the joy.

4. From heart smile down into the spleen, pancreas, and stomach. Send love joy happiness to all three organs.

5. Smile back to the heart- smile brightly and feel the radiance and warmth of the heart. The heart circulates blood, vitality and radiance to the rest of the body.

6. Smile down into the Kidneys feel them open, bright, happy and confidence. Hold for 2 minutes.

7. Smile into the Liver. Feel love, joy, and happiness into the liver.

9. Smile into the Navel. Clasp your hands over the navel and feel the warmth and radiance in the belly.

10. Bring your awareness to any place you have missed and spread the loving energy from head to toe. 

11. Place your hands into prayer over the heart and be confident it is going to be a joyous and loving day.

Meditation adapted from source Mantak Chia