Holistic Wellth

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Mother Wound

A mother wound is the loss of nurture or a lack of mothering. This wound could take place as a child or when you lost your mother as an adult. Healing a mother wound is essential for your overall vitality and affects how you show up with other female figures in your life. A mother wound can occur in very different ways. See if you answer Yes to any of the following.

Did you need to be perfect to gain your mother’s approval?

Did you often feel nervous or frightened around your mother?

Did you feel you weren’t accepted for the way you were by your mother?

Did you or do you wait for your mother’s permission or acceptance of your life choices?

Did you ever feel pressured to live out the unlived dreams of your mother, even if it meant not being true to yourself?

Was your mother emotionally unavailable to you as a child?

You often felt unseen by your mother?

Did your mother lack nurturing touch and affection towards you?

Did your mother expect you to take care of her physically or emotionally?

If you answered Yes to any of the above, you can start healing and nurturing your inner child. You are now the adult your inner child is looking for. Comfort, nurture, self-compassion, and acceptance start with you now.

Tips to Nurture Yourself

  • Take warm lemon baths weekly

  • Make the choice to stop criticizing your looks and intelligence

  • Stop comparing yourself to others

  • Set Boundaries with people who criticize you and bring you down

  • Give yourself three compliments each morning and night

  • Allow your muscles to relax with massages

  • Indulge in a great comedy, painting, or dancing

  • Surround yourself outdoors with mother nature

  • Allow yourself to Play and be silly

Power Thoughts for Maternal Wealth

I trust that I have all the warm, nurturing care I need.

I forgive my mother for her imperfections. 

I can easily receive loving nurture from others. 

I release all anger and resentment I feel toward my mother.

I accept my mother for who she is, faults and all.

I am open to having a healthy relationship with my mother (or any other important female figure in my life).

It is safe for me to express my feelings.

I am deserving of love and affection.