Holistic Wellth

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Shift the Winter Blues

Happy Winter 2023.

To quiet the mind is the start of change. In fact, all health symptoms are the cells desiring change. A change of outlook, a change of nutrients, a change of communication, or a change of your external environment.

This winter season correlates to the Kidney and Bladder meridians.

You may be processing emotions such as loneliness, insecurities, indecisiveness, and or timidness. Not wanting “to be seen” is often hidden within the depth of the kidneys.

Give yourself plenty of time to rest, nap, and rejuvenate this winter. Limiting your exposure to chaos and reframing your thoughts and focus on what you do want to create for yourself….

Kidney Emotions: Kidney energy brings qualities like courage, strength, determination, willpower, ambition, drive and resilience. It is possible to be too driven, and a workaholic. This often precedes a crash and a sharp decline in energy and health. With good energy reserves and the ability to handle stress, comes the ability to be consistently easy-going. With fear, anxiety and brittle energy, results hostility, coldness, or a lack of compassion for ourselves or others. With very low kidney reserves there can be a withdrawal and shrinking away from life.

Bladder Emotions: The primary emotion associated with bladder issues is fear. This makes sense if we think how scare fright and the release of adrenaline can cause loss of control of the bladder. Our mouths can go dry with fear too, or we can break out in a cold sweat, again symbolizing the water aspect. When energy flow is lacking, we may hesitate to dip our toe in the water and be fearful of trying new things. Timidity, shyness, being easily startled or restless are some of the potential negative expressions. Positive aspects include determination, confidence, cheerfulness, and feeling calm and peaceful. There may also be a tendency to hold on to long-standing grudges, an inability to let bygones be bygones, or to be unable to express our grief (release tears) when this meridian is blocked.

Tips to Shift the Winter Blues 

  • Get sunlight daily or red light therapy

  • Hug: warm, comforting hugs rejuvenate the nervous system. Self hug (bath) or a trusted friend.

  • If the weather permits, surround yourself in nature

  • Hydrate with warming teas

  • Move daily & stretch daily to warm up your circulation. Toe touches, arm rows, etc. 

  • Allow yourself to release pain with relaxing meditations

  • Utilize flower essence to make change easier.

  • Eliminate things that you no longer need: clothing donation center, trash old boxes, declutter and feel lighter! 

  • Listen to uplifting tunes to keep your mood high

  • Limit your exposure to negative news.

  • Watch your favorite comedy- Laughing is powerful medicine.

  • Clarity: Write down what you would like to happen in your life.

    Brightness awaits you!