Creative Potential
Everything is Energy and holds a certain vibration (electrons). Therefore, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs hold an energetic blueprint of cellular information that feed the body. Everyone has a creative potential, yet many do not know how to use it in a harmonious way. Instead of creating beneficial thoughts of what one wants, they often focus on the things they don’t want and draw all their energy (information) to worse case scenarios. Concentrating on fearful ideas of disease, loss, lack, and unhappiness only creates further vibrational sufferings.
Your life is influenced greatly by those ideas that are stored in your mind. These are the deeply ingrained beliefs that nourish or hurt the body and mind daily. Could certain ingrained thoughts be holding you back from uplifting creative potential?
Agonizing Thoughts: I am unworthy, I am broken, Life is unfair, Life is difficult, I am unlovable, I am undeserving, Life is hard, I am trapped, I don’t have enough, No one understands, I am all alone, This world is unsafe.
The human mind acts as an amplifier of information and radiants energy out. Changing your thoughts (channel of information) can work at transforming energy. When you are tuned into thoughts of illness and fear, your mind ripples that energy to your body, pets, and children. When you begin to feed your cells new information (frequency and information), you can then create and bring forward prosperous health, joy, purpose, and peace of mind.
Your nervous system always keeps account of how you are treating yourself and what you are fearing. Therefore, worst case scenario thinking only keeps one in suffering.
Law of the Mind shifts to Law of Soul
Fear —-> Faith
Worry ——> Hope
Vanity ——-> Aspiration
Anger ——-> Patience
Criticism ——> Sympathy
Envy —-> Non-interference
Greed ———> Generosity
Hypocrisy ———> Sincerity
Prejudice ———> Forgiveness
Jealousy ————> Admiration
Hate ——-> Compassion
Visualize the Goal
Concentrate daily on what you Do want. Bring those senses to life: What colors do you see? What are you tasting? What does it feel like? Who is around? What sweet scents do you smell? How do your muscles and joints feel? What is the dream profession that you are engaging in?
You can’t hit a target if you haven’t seen the target to hit.
If you can think it, you can create it! Do ask yourself; Do I feel worthy to receive my desires?
I am worthy.
I will accomplish abundant health.
I can create change within my body and life.
Source: The Power That Heals by George Thurman Fleet