Finding Your Authentic Self
Human connection: We all want it, whether it’s in person or by phone, we are social beings.
Before this flu pandemic, many people already felt alone. Perhaps grieving from a lost loved one or from the inability to find true connections. Now with event cancellations and closed businesses; many individuals are feeling the effects of loneliness ever more so. In effect, this creates a lack of ease in the body and is showing increasing rates of suicide and depression. Whether we live alone or are surrounded by family, many of us have turned to social media for connection and virtual association. Similarly, texting over calling has already taken over our social communication skills. Is the virtual life next to take dominate our eye to eye interactions?
From a health perspective, it is important to recognize the value of love and connection in our lives. Not necessarily with other humans, but to nature and most importantly to ourselves. We are out of tune with knowing our body and emotional states. We often reject, deny, and avoid emotions of discomfort and quickly turn to something or someone to avoid having to feel the pain and discomfort. Do we really cry, when we want to cry? Do we allow ourselves to feel scared when we are frightened? Do we express our anger in a healthy way or repress it and let it boil in the liver for years?
Ask yourself:
What am I truly feeling internally?
Do I feel a knot in my throat?
Do I feel built up heat in my stomach?
How does my chest feel- tight, cold or heavy?
Why is there tightness in my lower back?
It’s often easier to ignore and “comfortable” to drink daily, to turn on a movie for distraction, and to deny that you are bothered by someone’s comments and to avoid the current feelings of distress.
When you are honest with yourself and do not reject your feelings, it helps one move forward appropriately. Feeling into emotions, allows a release of stagnant energy in the body and the energy begins to flow. The body can then relax and gains ease and a sense of calm.
Internally, if you not feeling adequate and loved, you are sending all of those chemical signals throughout the body. When our minds create the regular emotional signal of not being accepted and loved, it then creates that actual reality and may then lack real connection to self. Confused on your identity and where you may belong.
Moreover, vulnerability is a powerful thing. Admitting and being honest with yourself by journaling or asking for trained help can create positive life transformations. Sharing your fears, sharing your insecurities, and be open to hearing other perspectives, opens the door for growth. Recognize, suffering is not truly the authentic self. Be open to vulnerability and have confidence that you can make the SHIFT now!
Steps to Finding Your Authentic Self
1. BE KIND, but stop trying to people please.
2. Recognize the unhealthy relationship patterns that you may be repeating
3. Do not deny your uniqueness. No two humans are the same. Accept who you are right now.
4. Break through the false belief of “unworthiness” with daily self compassion.
5. Grow your spiritual connection with God/Source/Zero-Point Energy and truly realize you are never alone.
6. Pause, take a deep breath, close your eyes and analyze what you may be feeling from head to toe.
7. Think, move, and act out of centered, neutral energy (belly) and not off of a highly charged emotions.
Of course, you may not always do this accurately or handle situations “perfectly”. But by accepting the current efforts to create change, this will give the body confidence and rid one of the lowest vibrations of emotions “shame” and “guilt”.
These actions can then shift the body chemistry to feeling safe and at peace. When the body is actually at peace, the heart is in harmony and you make clearer decisions that do not just benefit yourself, but in turn benefit others all around you.
Remember you are the Hero of your own life, not the victim of it. You are responsible for the life you create and the story you will tell. Now is the best time to release the resistance within and let go of behavior patterns that you no longer need.