Self-Care for Health Practitioners

When it comes to helping others and guiding them on their own healing journey you might get overly involved or worried about them. Being a health professional means you're constantly holding space for others, which can create emotional weight that might get stored in your body. Any tension or pain in your own body could also be connected to self-expectations and feeling responsible for others’ well-being.

  • You might feel like you need to "carry" others through their healing journey, even though it's not all on you.

  • There could be an unconscious belief of "I have to be strong for them" or "I can't afford to break down"—which adds tension to the body, symbolizing emotional load-bearing.

  • The self-devaluation piece could show up as "Am I doing enough?" or "What if I let someone down?"

How to Release the Pressure & Support Yourself

1. Reframe Your Role

  • Instead of seeing yourself as the one "carrying" others, shift to:
    “I guide, but their healing is their own.”
    “I hold space, but I don’t have to hold the weight.”

  • You might already know this intellectually, but your body needs to feel it too.

2. Energy Clearing Between Clients

Since you absorb others’ emotions, try releasing them after sessions:

  • Shake it out: literally shake your arms, legs, and hips for a few minutes.

  • Flower Essence: take 2 drops of Crap Apple after every client. Cleanses your field.

  • Water ritual: Wash your hands or take a shower with the intention of “letting go” of their energy.

  • Air Ventilation: Open the door or window and allow air to circulate flush out of your office space.

  • Affirmations after work: “I did all that I could today, and now their healing is now their own.”

3. Restore Your Own Stability

Your legs represent your foundation—make sure you’re nourishing yourself, not just others.

  • Grounding practices: (barefoot walking, deep breathing, spending time in nature).

  • Strengthen your support system: who’s holding space for you? Add play, fun, and laughter into your life.

  • Lower unrealistic self-expectations: not every client needs a life-changing session every time.

4. Move in a Way That Feels Liberating

  • Dance, walk, or stretch without structure, just for the sake of feeling movement again.

    • What movement would feel good right now?

    • What would my body do if it were fully free?

Final Thought

You’re an incredible guide for others, and your body may gently remind you to give yourself the same compassion you give your clients. Healing is a cycle—you help others best when you’re also supporting yourself.


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