Restoration & Gratitude
As the year begins to wrap up, allow your body time to rest and destress.
Emotional stress is the ultimate destroyer of our immune cells.
What can you remove from your calendar this month? What is something you could take off your mind and no longer feed energy too? We often worry and focus on all the things we DON’T want to happen in our lives instead of focusing our energy on what we DO want.
We lose our personal power with envy, resentment, doubt and fear towards an object, situation, or person.
Where your intention goes energy flows. What are you thinking about?
Remind yourself: Enjoy EVERYTHING and Need Nothing.
Allow yourself to feel joy, happiness, love, and peace. The vibrations of these emotions are always there. It’s just a matter of willingness to accept it, receive it, feel it.
Tuning your body field, starts with shifting your subconscious beliefs. You are significant, You are lovable, You are enough. Punishing yourself with worry, more duties and fear are a thing of the past.
When we allow (receive) and stop forcing (effort) the tension breaks from the body. The cells begin to breathe. The electrical connection of communication is restored.