Surviving Narcissist

You can eat the perfect foods, have a great workout routine, and supplement regime, but if your nervous system doesn’t feel safe, loved and protected in your environment, you could still be trigger symptoms in your health. 

Whether its mood swings, hives, skin issues, chronic fatigue, or weight issues, your environment plays a critical role with your overall nervous system. It important to create a home and work place that you feel safe in. You will then be in greater alignment to heal with rejuvenating rest. 

Become aware if you are constantly dealing with narcissism!

“Narcissism is the absence of love and need to be in control and superior. “- Dr. Lee Carter Ph. D.

Narcissistic Traits 

  1. Play the role of “the victim”

  2. Blocked Heart Center: Frequent turn down offers for positive connection. Push others away.

  3. Struggle to empathize with others feelings. Lack of seeing a different perspectives. “My way is the only view.”

  4. Strong Judgement of a specific group: Haters of specific group, race or country.

  5. The need to feel Superior: they often one up others to feel better about themselves.

  6. Minimize others feelings: You shouldn’t feel that way. At least it wasn’t “X’ that happened to you. They down play or ignore what you are sharing. 

  7. Cannot admit to having a problem. It’s everyone else that is out to get them. They are not willing to get help because then its admitting they have a problem. Lots of denial is involved.

  8. You cannot win an argument with a narcissist. They are always right.

Action Steps

Depending on the severity of ones narcissistic traits you may have to get them out of your life completely!

  • Step into you power and voice yourself with Assertive Energy

  • Remove yourself from the situation

  • Set boundaries in your work place, family life, and romantic relationships.

  • Stop rescuing or trying to fix a narcissist

  • Work on valuing yourself and be around upbuilding people.

  • Say NO and value your body enough to start thriving

Listen to our latest podcast: Surviving Narcissist for more information.

Change starts NOW.


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