Principles of Healing

1. Love is the true healer

2. I am 100% certain that I can heal

3. Illness is the brains solution to lower the psychological stress

4. When there is a solution, the conflict is eliminated and the stress can be released.

5. Stress results from the emotional conflict I experience and can trigger the disease

6. Since disease is programmable, I realize disease is also de-programmable

7. Knowledge liberates and loves helps with healing

8. Resolutions of a conflict and certainty in my bodies ability to change are important keys to complete healing

9. Diseases are the brains solutions for reducing the mental stress and often are the root of illnesses.

10. Illness is a message of love to understand. I remain open to discover this message.

11. The conflicts that are inside of me may be causing an over stress inside

12. Stress is an internal conflict that I experience, regarding a facet of myself, another person or a situation.

13. An inner conflict results from a feeling of a lack of love at the heart level.

14. When I identify the emotion that is causing my stress , it shows me what I need to work on to eliminate it.

15. It is important to keep my mind and heart open and to accept in my heart that I have something to understand through this illness . ( and not that I agree to be sick).

16. In order to heal I need to put all shame and guilt aside

17. When I reintroduce love into a situation and heal, I find myself with more love , wisdom, and freedom.

18. Everything is possible! If I truly believe, I will seek and find a solution.


Intro: Emotional Empowerment