Grounded for Life!

Did you know the earth has a gigantic magnetic field surrounding it?! The north pole is a large magnet that is pulling up north and the south has the south pole pulling south of the earth’s equator. For optimal health, the three axis of our body should be in balance with earths axis’s. Digestive, nervous system, and immunity are all impacted negatively with misalignment of one or more of your bodies axis’s. A bioenergetics session is a great way in determining any imbalances in these areas and distinguishing if the body is grounded.

Furthermore, if the body is ungrounded you may be feeling knocked off balance or not secure “in” your own skin. Perhaps you are not sure of your place in your community or your identity. This can happen when we feel uprooted by a move to a different country, or even a new home. We can also feel on unsteady ground in our work or in our relationships, unable to distinguish, “Where I stand”. The effect of not being energetically grounded or balanced can take different forms, but generally causes irritation, disorganization, scattered thoughts, lack of focus, impatience, and imbalanced emotions.

Geopathic stress also impacts ones groundedness. Geopathic stress relates specifically to the health effects of vibrations and fields that emanate from Earth’s interior and flow across its surface. The energies detrimental to health arise especially from caves and sub level caverns or from certain types of underground streams and aquifers, fault lines, and particular kinds of mineral and coal deposits. It’s important to analyze where your home has been built on and if your health issues started before or after relocating.

RF radiation from wifi, cellphones, cable, satellites, clocks all have an impact on our bodies axis’s, which I will discuss more in a further article.

For now Become aware! Awareness is key to change.

Call to Action:

  • Wear grounded shoes (Earth Runners)

  • Sleep with the top of your head facing east or west (avoid north)

  • Get back in nature! Garden, hike, get out of the city regularly.

  • Invest in a handheld PEMF device for radiation protection and grounding frequencies

  • Be sure your house electrical is properly grounded along with cable and internet accessories.

  • Take an epsom salt bath to ground the body (neutralize water toxins -Add: 1 tsp vitamin c, 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar to warm bath water or be sure to have a shower filter)

  • Limit/Avoid electronics 2 hours before bed

  • Unplug your wifi router while you sleep

  • Put Polarity and BFA in your travel kit, especially if you are flying. (email to order)

  • Armshield Earthing has organic cotton grounding sheets available to sleep on for a grounded night.


Goal of Acceptance


Helpful Tips for the Kids