Goal of Acceptance

It’s a new year. Yes 2020 has approached our time. Goals and weight loss challenges seem to be the hot topics right now. We will see many commercial ads for meal deliveries, diet plans, and gym membership specials. Yes, we should give value to our bodies and health. Nevertheless, remember that we should do this daily and year-round, not just when marketing advertisements tell us too.

Sadly, today the media and marketing advertisements can often make us feel like less. We begin to compare ourselves to fitness models and celebrities who have the “perfect” bodies and seem to be “healthy”. Reminder, pictures do not show what is going on inside their myocardium and intestinal lining! Instead of focusing on being better and slimmer- what if we focused on Acceptance

I invite you to Acknowledge everything you have faced in life and have true gratitude for your growth and health thus far. When our bodies come to a realize that they are loved, accepted, protected and truly cared for (right NOW) health can begin to sprout and flower with love and true vibrancy!! ⭐️

In like manner, what we often resist will often persist. Be mindful with how you talk about yourself and your body. Do you have shame around it without realization? Do you have white hairs growing from your scalp that need to be immediately dyed? Perhaps you get embarrassed to be seen in public without “makeup”? Do you find yourself constantly comparing your body, curves, breast size to the other women around you?

Working with predominantly woman over the years, has given me great incite to the issues we all face and struggle with day after day. If we truly feel and realize that we are all beautifully different, yet uniquely connected and the same, harsh judgments and the feelings of being “less” would dissipate. Let us lovingly encourage one another to make positive changes and do our best to stop body shaming ourselves, our children, our relatives, and friends.

From my heart to yours- Muah!!   


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