Minerals and Emotions

The following is direct information from Nutritional Balancing And Hair Mineral Analysis book by Dr. Lawerence Wilson

with understanding one can make the desirable shifts in consciousness.


CALCIUM (Ca) Key words: rigid, defensive, hard, cold, mental stability, structural material

Low Calcium: emotionally unstable, irritable, hyperactive, nervous, short-tempered, tense, unable to slow down, extroverted, type ‘A’

High Calcium: rigid, defensive, withdrawn, a calcium shell, sluggish, numbed, tired

MAGNESIUM (Mg) Key Words: enzyme stability, strong, light weight metal, flowing quality, hard

Low Magnesium: high-strung, irritable, hyperactive, belligerent, type ‘A’

High magnesium: (biounavailable) defensive, withdrawn, sluggish, weak

SODIUM (Na) Key Words: a powerful solvent, a change agent, initiative, volatility

Low Sodium: fatigued, depressed, unable to get started; very low is adrenal burnout

High Sodium: active, high energy, aggressive, volatile, a ‘starter’, acute stress

POTASSIUM (K) Key Words: a potent solvent, heart and thyroid regulator Low Potassium: fatigued, depressed, low blood sugar, thyroid problems High Potassium: active, good stamina if ratio with sodium is normal. If the ratio with sodium is low, a high potassium indicates frustration, hostility, resentment, a seemingly no-win situation.

IRON (Fe) Key Words: strength, rigid, brittle, a masculine mineral, ‘the iron man’

Low Iron: tired, weak, wishy-washy, ‘anemic’

High Iron: rigid, angry, aggressive, inflammatory, devious, corrupt

COPPER (Cu) Key Words: emotional, intuitive, creative, a flirty feminine mineral

Low Copper: fast oxidizers are out of touch with the emotions, or less emotional

High Copper: childlike, hypersensitive, artistic, effeminate, sentimental, childish, fearful, 'spacey', depressed, moody, phobias, panic attacks, violent behavior, and when extreme causes hallucinations, schizophrenia and psychosis

ZINC (Zn) Key Words: steadiness, balance, gentle strength, a more advanced ‘male’ element

Low Zinc: impotence, emotional instability, developmental and learning problems, copper-toxic, and with heavy metal toxicity

High Zinc: very rare today.

MANGANESE (Mn) Key Words: blood sugar regulator, ‘female’ element

Low Manganese: fatigued, unstable blood sugar, possibly less maternal

High Manganese: detached, unemotional; when extreme may be rigid, schizophrenic, angry and possibly violent

CHROMIUM (Cr) Key Words: energy, blood sugar stabilizer

Low Chromium: moody, tired, craving sweets

High Chromium: very rare today

SELENIUM (Se) & SILICON (Si) Key Words: flexible, smooth, spiritually-oriented

Low Selenium: irritable, crabby, lack of advanced brain development

High Selenium: rare today. It may be toxic in high doses.


You Are Enough


Toxic Metals and Emotions