Self Value

What do you value most? 

You may value your health, value your home, value your children.

Do you also value your losses? Loss of a relative, loss of a pet, loss of a lover, loss of a friend. There are beautiful lessons in loss.  Loss often helps us grieve and actually value what we do have even more. Society puts a value on material things. Which of course they hold some type of currency value to purchase and care for. Then perhaps sentimental value occurs with some form of attachment to the item or thing. 

Before purchasing things you could ask; How with this item enhance my current life? Will it perhaps assist my health? Decrease stress in my life? Will it bring you more comfort, joy, love, laughter or will it bring more overwhelm?

Ultimately when you hear Value, Do you recognize YOU have value. 

Think about it…..How is your Self worth meter running?

Do you recognize you are Deserving of love- not from another, but from yourself. Can you be kind to yourself when perhaps you have experienced criticism & judgment? 

You are deserving of amazing health

You are deserving of wealth

You are deserving of joy 

You are deserving of loving connections

When you do recognize this… 

You will become more Secure in your pure value & create greater self esteem. People will respond to your sense of worthiness and feel value in themselves. Just like energy, your value is expansive. As your awareness and consciousness continue to grow they are expanding !!

How to Value yourself when we have never been taught. 

Growing up you are told all the “good” and “bad”. When you do “bad” you perhaps where punished a certain way . You then enter school and then compete with the score card, compete in athletics, compete to get into a better college than the other students. You then dress up your face and dress up your body to gain a compliment. As society screams at you “You are not good enough”, can you shield out that voice and value yourself for all that you are in this bare moment. 

Yes you can respect the journey and appreciate everything you have learned this far in your health journey, life journey, in your relationships. Since its not openly taught to value yourself- here are some….

Action steps you can take to tap into your sense of value. 

  • Doing things that bring you joy

  • Take one evening out of the week to slow down and care for yourself 

  • Look into your eyes 👀 and smile so grand you see your eyes sparkle.

  • Forgive yourself for not doing it “perfectly”. Slide into acceptance of any messiness.

  • Boundaries: Saying No to things or people that don’t bring out the best in you 

  • Be kind to yourself when you feel sad, accept that you don’t feel your best at that moment and that’s ok. 

  • Daily set the intention to create joyous  & uplifting moments 

This in return will give you a greater sense of self value and true appreciation for yourself; enhancing your internal value and Holistic Wellth.


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