Water Balance

Water element is associated with the season of winter and the qualities of cold and stillness. It represents the deep reserves of energy within the body and is considered the foundation of all other elements.

Emotions. Kidney energy brings courage, strength, determination, willpower, ambition, drive, resilience, discernment, and wisdom. The emotion that most damages the kidneys is FEAR. Weak kidneys create anxiety, fearfulness, insecurity, loneliness, and a lack of self-perception and awareness. It is possible to be too driven (solar plexus) or a workaholic. This often precedes a crash and a sharp decline in energy and health. With good energy reserves and the ability to handle stress comes the ability to be easy-going, like WATER (flexible). With fear, anxiety, and brittle energy, we may stiffen when challenged, become hostile, cold, or lack compassion for ourselves or others. With very low kidney reserves, there can be withdrawal and shrinking away from life (depression).

Here are some key aspects of the water element and how to keep it balanced:

1. Organs: The kidneys are considered the primary organ associated with the Water element. They play a crucial role in filtering and regulating fluids in the body. Eliminated (letting go) of waste and clutter.

2. Emotions: Fear is the emotion linked to the water element. Excessive or prolonged fear can impact the balance of the Water element. Fear of what could happen, fear of what might happen, fear of missing out, fear of death, fear of illness.

3. Season: The energy is most concentrated in restoring and rejuvenating the kidneys. This is the season to recharge your internal battery packs with self-care and slowing down.

Diet: Foods that nourish the kidneys are recommended. This includes black beans, kidney beans, seaweed, and foods rich in minerals (sea salt), oxtail, bone broths, collagen, and gelatin.

Hydration: Proper hydration is essential to support the water element. Drinking an adequate amount of fluids maintains the balance of waste removal from the body. Your sewage system loves to flush out the old!

Rest and Sleep: Adequate rest and quality sleep are important for kidney health. The restoration of Yin energy during sleep occurs. Allow yourself to receive this receptive creative energy in a deep, restful state.

Stress Management: Since fear is the emotion associated with the water element, stress management techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and relaxation can be beneficial. Focusing on all the great things around you.

Warmth: Keeping the lower back and chest warm protects the kidneys. This can be achieved through warm wool, cotton clothing, and synthetic fabrics (polyester, acrylic, rayon).


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