Back to the Basics

With today’s mass marketing and information overload, it can be all too easy to complicate our health. When we stick to the basics, are goals can start to become a reality. So how can we Eat better, Sleep Deeper, Drink Cleaner, and become more Aware of Our Thoughts? Below are simple steps to start today!

Team Work

Basic Tips to Incorporate This Year

  1. Set realistic goals

  2. You don’t need a gym to move. Engage in movement daily – walking, twisting, kicking, reaching, squatting, & SMILING.

  3. Aim to add lemon into your water each day

  4. Create lasting friendships- Do not be afraid to ask for help

  5. Remember nothing is personal. Live in the NOW and work on letting go of the past.

  6. Remember to take 3 deep breaths in moments of distress

  7. Bitter is Better- consume bitter foods daily to aid liver/gallbladder assimilation

  8. Avoid eating 3 hours before bed

  9. Stock your kitchen with a variety of seasonings and herbs

  10. Don’t count the days, Make the days count!

Teamwork is the best work. We can do this :)


Autism Awareness Month


Nourish Your Nervous System